Create Amplify Web Site

 Create Amplify Web Site


The AWS Amplify Management Console allows you to configure a web site (URL and options) and also upload the application web pages that people want to use. The steps to configure Amplify for this prototype are as follows:

1. Create a zip file with the web content that you wish to deploy.

2. From the AWS Management Console, select the AWS Amplify product link.

.....a. Click on the New App dropdown at the top of the page and select Host Web App option.

.....b. Select the Deploy Without Git Provider tile and click the Continue button.

.....c. Fill out the Application Name and Environment Name (whatever makes sense such as pApp and release).

.....d. Select Method drag and drop.

.....e. Choose zip file for the application ( downloaded earlier.

.....f. Select the Save & Deploy button.

3. You should get a deployment completed successfully message along with the URL for the new site (called Domain on this screen).

4. This is the direct URL to the website and can be used if no DNS alias is assigned (site config table).


Configure in personal domain:

1. On the AWS Amplify Console, select the web application that you just created (i.e., pApp).

2. On the menu on the left, select the Domain Management option.

.....a. You will see the default URL link created by Amplify (with extension).

.....b. Click on the Add Domain button at the top right of the page.

.....c. Enter a domain that you own/control in the Domain field (i.e., and click the Configure Domain button.

.....d. Click the Exclude Root button.

.....e. Where you see www in the text box put in a new name for this app (i.e., pApp) which will create an alias such as pApp.[your domain].com for this web application's web site).

.....f. Click the Save button.

3. You will then get a screen where it works on creating the new domain alias (takes minutes to perhaps half an hour usually).

4. When this is done, when you select this app from the AWS Amplify Console, you will see the new domain name’s link for the application web site.


Amplify Web Pages:

1. From the AWS Management Console, select the AWS Amplify product link.

2. Select the application in question.

3. Create a zip file with the web content that you wish to deploy.

4. Choose the zip file created for the application.

5. Select the Save & Deploy button.

6. You should get a deployment completed successfully message along with the URL for the new site (called Domain on this screen).
