Site RDS Instance for Apps

 Site RDS Instance for Apps


The first step in configuring the back end is to create the database instance to hold the database objects:

1. From the AWS Management Console, select the RDS product link.

2. Click on the Create Database button in the middle of the screen.

3. On the create database page:

.....a. Choose the Standard create tile for Database Creation Method.

.....b. Choose Amazon Aurora for Engine Option.

.....c. For Edition, choose the Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility radio button.

.....d. Choose Serverless for Capacity Type.

.....e. Choose MySQL 5.7 for Version.

.....f. Enter a name such as pCluster for DB Cluster Identifier.

.....g. Enter admin for Master User Name.

.....h. Enter (and re-enter) a password of at least 8 characters.

.....i. Accept default Capacity Settings.

.....j. Under Connectivity:

..........i. Select Default VPC in the drop-down list and note it on the settings sheet.

..........ii. Select the default for the Subnet Group and note it on the settings sheet.

..........iii. For VPC security group, select existing one if you have one else select create new one and enter a name for that group (i.e., pDbSec).

..........iv. Expand the Additional Configuration section and click in the radio box marked Data API (this will let you use the built-in Query Editor to create database objects).

.....k. Accept defaults for the remaining parameters (again, this is just a prototype and these parameters can be useful for real applications at times).

.....l. Click on the Create Database button at the bottom (it takes perhaps a few minutes to create).

.....m. Refresh the Databases page until the status is available for the database cluster just created.

.....n. Click on the link for the cluster created under the DB Identifier column.

.....o. Note the endpoint (host) and port for the database created.
